I was absolutely thrilled to get the photo that I used to capture these two Brahman bulls sparing. A friend of mine sent it to me a few years ago. She had been on the famous Harry Vold’s ranch in Colorado. Mr. Vold was a very famous rodeo contractor (supplying horses and bulls) for many decades. The ranch is now run by his daughter.
Now, back to these gorgeous bulls. Cattle have a hierarchy, with one animal being boss, in otherwise, a pecking order. The “alpha”, or maybe in this case, the older bull may be challenged by the lower-level bull, the “Omega” for leadership. The “alpha” will lower his head to expose the poll (that area between the horns), tuck his chin in, and then proceed to head-butt the lower-level bull. This activity continues with a shoving match until either one wins.
I have had many opportunities to watch this behavior in bucking stock in Las Cruces, NM. It is fascinating to watch how this behavior begins and who ultimately finishes the job.
I thoroughly enjoyed painting these two bulls. I loved the energy from them and the steely look in their eyes, which tell a very good story. If you look at the eyes in these bulls, you can see at this stage of their tate a’ tate, they are quite serious about their warrior-like engagement.
This painting is 36” x 40”, and hanging over the massive fireplace at the Howell Library in Stafford, VA. I will have an art show at the library for the month of May.