Today is all about Beckham, our Maine Coon mix, who we adopted or he adopted us about 11 years ago. Beckham was about 7 or 8 when he came into our lives. It all started when one of our daughters called us and said one of her colleagues came into work one day and said he was asking for a friend, but his friend had a cat that needed a home. As most people know, a senior cat is very hard to place, and the alternative is not good.
Well, turns out this guy’s friend had accepted a position in China and couldn’t take Beckham, his little buddy, who had been with him through high school and college, taking frequent road trips together. It was obvious he had been torn over Beckham, but he was in his early 20s and wanted to travel and work overseas. So, now, Beckham is about 18 years young and still going strong. The boy has a heart of gold and keeps the pups in line. Actually, he and Teddy are pretty good friends. Katy bows down to him when he walks past her since he swiped her across her nose when he first met her. So, there is absolutely no contest there. He is an amazing cat who found us. We are grateful to be in his life.