My younger daughter, Kris, lives in Denver. She is so fortunate that she has so many avenues for feasting her eyes on wildlife in Colorado. I visit her and her husband, Blake, a couple of times a year. Of course, I would go out more often if I could squeeze it in. One day in May of 2019, we headed towards Evergreen, CO, which is just a few miles west of Denver. There is a very small herd of bison in part of a national park that is close to the winding road to Evergreen.

You notice we look like we are freezing to death. Well, we were. It was windy and downright cold, and the bison were just lazing around behind the wire fence. We took a lot of photos, but in the majority of them the bison simply wouldn’t put their heads up or were lying down. I clicked away anyway, because I never know when I am going to get the most amazing photo of any animal that I am taking photos of. This was one of those times – not much to show for our efforts.