I watched this bull grow up from a yearling to a gorgeous full sized Texas Longhorn bull. He resides at the New Mexico Farm & Ranch Heritage Museum and is part of their 6 breed cattle program.
Although quite stunning to look at, this bull was not very careful with his horns. As a 2 or 3 year old, he broke about 2 or 3 inches off his left horn. Fortunately, being an artist I could at least paint his horn to match the other one.
Back to the horns! Longhorns are amazing enough. They know exactly where every inch of their horns are. Most are careful though. I have seen them running or galloping as it were, through low underbrush in Texas, mostly mesquite, and by golly, they will tilt their heads from side to side to avoid the low hanging brush. The funniest sight is to watch them play and lock horns, but know exactly how to get out of their opponents horns. And, there are some unfortunate accidents, but They didn’t end well, so I’m not going to spoil the successful ones.
Going through my hundreds and hundreds of photos of Longhorn, I always see something different. I can take 300 photos and come up with only one that is a wow factor, until I look again. You always see something different.